missed when I quit school at the age of 16 years old.
My return to civilian life was quite a jolt to On the outside, I found myself facing respon- sibilities that Uncle Sam had always taken care of. It wasn't too long before my old desires began haunting me again and soon I was back to wearing feminine attire while hiding in my bed room.
A short time after my discharge I met a girl; rather the girl. A year later we were married. Up to this point I hadn't the slightest idea as to why I liked to wear women's clothing, but I did tell my prospective bride of my somewhat unusual desires. We decided that it was just a fetish and would go away after we got married. Sound familiar?
Adjustment for the newlyweds did not come over- night. As a matter of fact a bitter conflict raged on for the next several years. There were several times when we just about parted, but each time we would ask ourselves the same question, "Do we love each other?" Each time the answer was, "yes."
To my
I cannot say that what was good for our marriage is good for all TV marriages but our answer has been "Moderation". Betty and her brother have two entirely separate identities. On the night that Betty is to visit, she comes from her room completely attired in her chosen clothes. spouse, it is just a visit from a friend. The two girls may just stay at home or may go visiting together to the homes of other TV's. In the past we have gone to the mo ies together and even shop- ping. These visits may only be once a week and sometimes even less, depending on the urgency of the desire. Betty does not come at the slightest whim of her brother, for he has learned to control her to a certain point.
One of my major problems has been going out.